Homepage Australia

October 14, 2018

Pet Magazines in Australia

Like reading? Love animals? Want to know which are the most read Pet Magazines in Australia. Pet-Friendly Accommodation has unearthed some of the most popular mags Down Under.   All Pets Australian Dogs and Pets magazine Australian Dogs & Pets is a brand new magazine for pet lovers of all ages. Every issue will have…

May 18, 2015

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Choosing the Purrfect Petsitter Our good friends at Pet-Friendly Accommodation Guidebook have some fabulous holiday suggestions to share with your pets, but what if worse comes to worse and a last minute work trip pops up, or your accommodation falls through? Pet kennels can be great, but aren’t always the best option for everyone, particularly…

November 5, 2014

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Colour me dog: A short story by Paul McMahon Colour. Think of your favourite colour in the world and it is likely that your favourite colour is not necessarily the colour of the dog you wish to own. Blue dog anyone? I prefer rainbow. Dog colours can really bring out your own personality in a strange…