Homepage pet

August 10, 2017

Travelling with pets Queensland

Queensland Pet Friendly It’s true that Queensland not only lays claim to having some of Australia’s most visited tourist sites, it also has some amazing pet-friendly places to visit. And now there’s a guidebook to prove it. From the beautiful off-leash beaches in the tropical north to the long stretches of the Gold Coast where…

June 11, 2017

Heated animal pad

I wasn’t sure how the Pet Mat would be received in our multi-pet household, but minutes, after opening the heated animal pad, and plugging it in there, was a scramble to see who could get to it first. Looks like we’ll be needing another two!   If you are looking for a product to keep…

June 11, 2017

Heated animal pad

Pet Mat™ Heated Animal Pad Review I wasn’t sure how the Pet Mat would be received in our multi-pet household, but minutes after opening the heated animal pad, and plugging it in there was a scramble to see who could get to it first. Looks like we’ll be needing another two! If you are looking…

September 7, 2015

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7 Super Foods for Dogs When it comes to feeding our four-legged friends, Americans shell out over $11 billion dollars annually on wet and dry dog food for our beloved canines. But in light of the many recent headlines and lawsuits claiming a variety of poisons and toxins that are reportedly included in processed dog…

May 18, 2015

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Choosing the Purrfect Petsitter Our good friends at Pet-Friendly Accommodation Guidebook have some fabulous holiday suggestions to share with your pets, but what if worse comes to worse and a last minute work trip pops up, or your accommodation falls through? Pet kennels can be great, but aren’t always the best option for everyone, particularly…