Homepage pet friendly book

August 29, 2015

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Stockists  of Pet-Friendly Guidebook As well as being available in most major bookshops, Travelling with Pets on Australia’s East Coast is also on sale in the following boutique pet stores, and independent booksellers:   NSW   Berkelouw Bookshop 70 Norton Street, Leichhardt 2040 T 02 9560 3200     Dogue Cremorne 310 Military Road, Cremorne  2090…

July 30, 2015

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Dog Lovers Show Win tickets to the poochtastic Sydney Dog Lovers Show! It’s SO much more comprehensive than last year with even more beautiful Dogs to meet and connect with. We have 5 FREE SINGLE ADULT PASSES for the DOG LOVERS SHOW in Sydney. Simply tell us where is your pet’s favourite to visit or…

July 17, 2015

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  The Canvas Factory: Pet Portrait Review I’d been toying with the idea of how to celebrate my cat’s forthcoming birthday. My furry friend, Gershwin, was fast approaching his 10th birthday so I thought it was high time I got his portrait on canvas to celebrate. When I saw there was a special on at…