Homepage News Coping With The Loss Of Your Pet

March 30, 2016

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Coping With The Loss Of Your Pet

Inspired Ideas To Help You Cope With The Loss Of Your Pet

One of the hardest parts of owning a pet is knowing you will outlive them. It’s never easy having to say goodbye to a pet. After all, they are a beloved member of the family. They have been your companion and friend for many years. You may have watched them grow from being a cheeky little pup into the beautiful adult dog you just lost. To experience an entire life from beginning to end is an incredible thing, but it’s heart wrenching when it’s over.


There is no reason to believe that losing a pet is any different than losing a human family member. And grief will affect every person in a different way. The stages of the grieving process are the same. The emotional impact can be devastating. But there are many ways to make your bereavement into a positive celebration of a fantastic life.

pet loss


Photography by trestletech


A memorial service or funeral for your pet is just one way you can say goodbye. This can be as formal or informal as you like. Just a few words in the backyard may be enough. It’s not unusual to want to tell the whole world just how perfect your lost pet was. And it’s not wrong to want to tell the whole world just how much you’re hurting. Social media can be a helpful tool. More private ways to communicate your grief can be achieved through writing poetry or letters to yourself. They can be put in a memories box with pictures of your pet and other keepsakes.


Some people like to keep a photo of their pet in a locket. Others wear a charm that reminds them of their pet. You could even turn ashes into diamonds to keep them close to you. It’s a beautiful way to honour their life by creating something from them that will last forever. Photographs can be printed and collated into albums or scrapbooks. You might even create a DVD of all the video footage you have of your pet.


Life goes on after the loss of a pet. Over time, you may even start to consider the possibility of getting a new pet. The grieving process has no time limit. But moving on doesn’t mean you’ve forgotten or don’t care. It means your love can be shared with other pets that deserve it. It doesn’t have to happen right now or even in five years time. When you’re ready, you can decide then if a new pet is right for you.

Inspired Ideas To Help You Cope With The Loss Of Your Pet

Photography by Anitapeppers


Many pet owners feel ashamed of their grief. They turn up to work without taking any time to manage their bereavement. But many companies and bosses are far more understanding of the effects of pet loss than you might think. If you need the time, ask for it. There are counsellors that specialise in this kind of bereavement who may be able to help you through the process too.


If you have recently lost your pet, it can feel like the whole world has stopped. You can feel numb, and you can feel raw. You can be teary, or you can be angry. There is no right or wrong way to feel about it. Try some of these inspired ideas to help you cope with the loss of your pet.