Homepage News Border Collie Fun Day: Castle Hill Showground NSW

June 4, 2014

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Border Collie Fun Day: Castle Hill Showground NSW

Border Collie Fun Day

Border Collies and their owners are invited to join Dr Katrina, Kelly Gill and The Wonderdogs for the Border Collie Fun Day, 2014.

This year, our emphasis will be on Border Collie FUN and we will be showcasing a wide variety of Border Collie activities- including sheep herding, tricks, flyball, agility, treiball, nose work, heelwork to music, obedience and , frisbee.

We will have stalls, show bags, fun competitions, photo opportunities and interactive activities. We are also out to find the fastest border collie over a sprint, racing against the clock.

The day will also be raising money for Border Collie Cancer Research, with a huge raffle and lots of other fundraising activities.

DogCulture will be selling copies of Pet-friendly Accommodation on Australia’s East Coast guidebook at a special show price. Don’t miss out!

Please note –all dogs attending must on leash and social with other dogs

Hope to see you there!!





Join in the fun on the 6th July 2014 at Castle Hill Showground NSW