Homepage News Travelling With Your Dog: 7 Invaluable Tips To Make It Simpler

August 12, 2017

Whether you're planning a road trip with your canine friend or are interested in flying across the country with your dog, simply continue reading to discover 7 invaluable tips which will ensure that your trip runs as smoothly as possible. 1. Make sure that your dog gets plenty of exercises before you depart on your adventure together Whether you plan on travelling by car or by plane, it pays to take your dog for a walk right before you're due to leave. That way your dog will burn off their excess energy and will be far more likely to sleep for most of your journey. If you have a medium to large size dog, it's well worth taking your dog to a dog-friendly park or beach where you can let your dog off their leash for a game of fetch. As giving your dog the chance to sprint around, will expend more energy, than taking your dog for a leisurely walk. 2. Make sure you feed your dog a few hours before your departure time Whilst you may be tempted to treat your fluffy friend to a hearty meal before setting off on your trip, it's best to feed your dog several hours in advance. Just like humans, some dogs suffer from motion sickness. 3. Get your dog used to spending time in their crate in advance The safest way to travel with your dog is to crate him or her. In order to get your dog used to travelling in a crate, it's best to crate your dog for short drives, well in advance of your departure date. One way to get your dog to associate being kept in a crate as a positive experience is to reward your dog by giving your dog a small treat, every time you put them in their crate. 4. If you plan on travelling by car, make sure to stop frequently Make sure you take regular stops so that your dog can stretch their legs and enjoy a little fresh air. Such stops are also the perfect time to offer your dog a little bit of water. Give your dog small amounts of water, frequently. 5. Don't forget to pack your canine friend's favourite toy Another way to ensure that your dog feels relaxed is to place their favourite toy in their crate. If your dog and their favourite squeaky toy are inseparable, your dog will feel more comfortable having a familiar item with them. Especially as they'll be exposed to brand new sights, sounds and smells, during your adventure together. Alternatively, if your dog has a special blanket, which is placed on their bed, you may want to consider packing it. 6. If you're travelling by plane, don't make a fuss when you're separated from your dog Whilst you may think that showering your dog in affection right before you're separated at the airport, will help your dog calm down, you may be surprised. The best way to ensure that your dog is comfortable is to give off a calm vibe, when you're separated. As being over emotional, may stir anxiety in your dog. Don't worry though, it's perfectly fine to give your dog a calm hug or pat goodbye. 7. Make sure to book dog-friendly accommodation in advance If you're planning a trip with your dog, your very task should be to research dog-friendly accommodation options. As the vast majority of hotels, resorts and camp sites do not cater to pets. Keep an eye out for options, which boast large outdoor areas, that your dog can run around. Conclusion So, if you're worried about travelling with your canine buddy for the first time, there's no need to panic. Simply follow the seven tips listed above and you'll be sure to enjoy the adventure of a lifetime. You may even decide to start travelling more frequently with your dog. As contrary to popular belief, travelling with a dog doesn't have to be a huge ordeal. Author Bio: June is the founder of TobysBone, where she shares her passion for writing and love for dogs. She wants to help you deal with your dog's behaviour issues, grooming and health needs, and proper training. Through her blog, you can find informative and reliable posts, tips and tricks, and a lot of interesting reads that will help you maintain a close bond with your furry companion.

Travelling With Your Dog: 7 Invaluable Tips To Make It Simpler

Travelling With Your Dog: 7 Invaluable Tips To Make It Simpler
Whether you’re planning a road trip with your canine friend or are interested in flying across the country with your dog, simply continue reading to discover 7 invaluable tips which will ensure that your trip runs as smoothly as possible


1. Make sure you exercise your dog before departure

Whether you're planning a road trip with your canine friend or are interested in flying across the country with your dog, simply continue reading to discover 7 invaluable tips which will ensure that your trip runs as smoothly as possible. 1. Make sure that your dog gets plenty of exercises before you depart on your adventure together Whether you plan on travelling by car or by plane, it pays to take your dog for a walk right before you're due to leave. That way your dog will burn off their excess energy and will be far more likely to sleep for most of your journey. If you have a medium to large size dog, it's well worth taking your dog to a dog-friendly park or beach where you can let your dog off their leash for a game of fetch. As giving your dog the chance to sprint around, will expend more energy, than taking your dog for a leisurely walk. 2. Make sure you feed your dog a few hours before your departure time Whilst you may be tempted to treat your fluffy friend to a hearty meal before setting off on your trip, it's best to feed your dog several hours in advance. Just like humans, some dogs suffer from motion sickness. 3. Get your dog used to spending time in their crate in advance The safest way to travel with your dog is to crate him or her. In order to get your dog used to travelling in a crate, it's best to crate your dog for short drives, well in advance of your departure date. One way to get your dog to associate being kept in a crate as a positive experience is to reward your dog by giving your dog a small treat, every time you put them in their crate. 4. If you plan on travelling by car, make sure to stop frequently Make sure you take regular stops so that your dog can stretch their legs and enjoy a little fresh air. Such stops are also the perfect time to offer your dog a little bit of water. Give your dog small amounts of water, frequently. 5. Don't forget to pack your canine friend's favourite toy Another way to ensure that your dog feels relaxed is to place their favourite toy in their crate. If your dog and their favourite squeaky toy are inseparable, your dog will feel more comfortable having a familiar item with them. Especially as they'll be exposed to brand new sights, sounds and smells, during your adventure together. Alternatively, if your dog has a special blanket, which is placed on their bed, you may want to consider packing it. 6. If you're travelling by plane, don't make a fuss when you're separated from your dog Whilst you may think that showering your dog in affection right before you're separated at the airport, will help your dog calm down, you may be surprised. The best way to ensure that your dog is comfortable is to give off a calm vibe, when you're separated. As being over emotional, may stir anxiety in your dog. Don't worry though, it's perfectly fine to give your dog a calm hug or pat goodbye. 7. Make sure to book dog-friendly accommodation in advance If you're planning a trip with your dog, your very task should be to research dog-friendly accommodation options. As the vast majority of hotels, resorts and camp sites do not cater to pets. Keep an eye out for options, which boast large outdoor areas, that your dog can run around. Conclusion So, if you're worried about travelling with your canine buddy for the first time, there's no need to panic. Simply follow the seven tips listed above and you'll be sure to enjoy the adventure of a lifetime. You may even decide to start travelling more frequently with your dog. As contrary to popular belief, travelling with a dog doesn't have to be a huge ordeal. Author Bio: June is the founder of TobysBone, where she shares her passion for writing and love for dogs. She wants to help you deal with your dog's behaviour issues, grooming and health needs, and proper training. Through her blog, you can find informative and reliable posts, tips and tricks, and a lot of interesting reads that will help you maintain a close bond with your furry companion.
Whether you plan on travelling by car or by plane, it pays to take your dog for a walk right before you’re due to leave. That way your dog will burn off their excess energy and will be far more likely to sleep for most of your journey. If you have a medium to large size dog, it’s well worth taking your dog to a dog-friendly park or beach where you can let your dog off their leash for a game of fetch. As giving your dog the chance to sprint around, will expend more energy, than taking your dog for a leisurely walk.


2. Make sure you feed your dog a few hours before your departure time

Whether you're planning a road trip with your canine friend or are interested in flying across the country with your dog, simply continue reading to discover 7 invaluable tips which will ensure that your trip runs as smoothly as possible. 1. Make sure that your dog gets plenty of exercises before you depart on your adventure together Whether you plan on travelling by car or by plane, it pays to take your dog for a walk right before you're due to leave. That way your dog will burn off their excess energy and will be far more likely to sleep for most of your journey. If you have a medium to large size dog, it's well worth taking your dog to a dog-friendly park or beach where you can let your dog off their leash for a game of fetch. As giving your dog the chance to sprint around, will expend more energy, than taking your dog for a leisurely walk. 2. Make sure you feed your dog a few hours before your departure time Whilst you may be tempted to treat your fluffy friend to a hearty meal before setting off on your trip, it's best to feed your dog several hours in advance. Just like humans, some dogs suffer from motion sickness. 3. Get your dog used to spending time in their crate in advance The safest way to travel with your dog is to crate him or her. In order to get your dog used to travelling in a crate, it's best to crate your dog for short drives, well in advance of your departure date. One way to get your dog to associate being kept in a crate as a positive experience is to reward your dog by giving your dog a small treat, every time you put them in their crate. 4. If you plan on travelling by car, make sure to stop frequently Make sure you take regular stops so that your dog can stretch their legs and enjoy a little fresh air. Such stops are also the perfect time to offer your dog a little bit of water. Give your dog small amounts of water, frequently. 5. Don't forget to pack your canine friend's favourite toy Another way to ensure that your dog feels relaxed is to place their favourite toy in their crate. If your dog and their favourite squeaky toy are inseparable, your dog will feel more comfortable having a familiar item with them. Especially as they'll be exposed to brand new sights, sounds and smells, during your adventure together. Alternatively, if your dog has a special blanket, which is placed on their bed, you may want to consider packing it. 6. If you're travelling by plane, don't make a fuss when you're separated from your dog Whilst you may think that showering your dog in affection right before you're separated at the airport, will help your dog calm down, you may be surprised. The best way to ensure that your dog is comfortable is to give off a calm vibe, when you're separated. As being over emotional, may stir anxiety in your dog. Don't worry though, it's perfectly fine to give your dog a calm hug or pat goodbye. 7. Make sure to book dog-friendly accommodation in advance If you're planning a trip with your dog, your very task should be to research dog-friendly accommodation options. As the vast majority of hotels, resorts and camp sites do not cater to pets. Keep an eye out for options, which boast large outdoor areas, that your dog can run around. Conclusion So, if you're worried about travelling with your canine buddy for the first time, there's no need to panic. Simply follow the seven tips listed above and you'll be sure to enjoy the adventure of a lifetime. You may even decide to start travelling more frequently with your dog. As contrary to popular belief, travelling with a dog doesn't have to be a huge ordeal. Author Bio: June is the founder of TobysBone, where she shares her passion for writing and love for dogs. She wants to help you deal with your dog's behaviour issues, grooming and health needs, and proper training. Through her blog, you can find informative and reliable posts, tips and tricks, and a lot of interesting reads that will help you maintain a close bond with your furry companion.
Whilst you may be tempted to treat your fluffy friend to a hearty meal before setting off on your trip, it’s best to feed your dog several hours in advance. Just like humans, some dogs suffer from motion sickness.


3. Get your dog used to the crate

Whether you're planning a road trip with your canine friend or are interested in flying across the country with your dog, simply continue reading to discover 7 invaluable tips which will ensure that your trip runs as smoothly as possible. 1. Make sure that your dog gets plenty of exercises before you depart on your adventure together Whether you plan on travelling by car or by plane, it pays to take your dog for a walk right before you're due to leave. That way your dog will burn off their excess energy and will be far more likely to sleep for most of your journey. If you have a medium to large size dog, it's well worth taking your dog to a dog-friendly park or beach where you can let your dog off their leash for a game of fetch. As giving your dog the chance to sprint around, will expend more energy, than taking your dog for a leisurely walk. 2. Make sure you feed your dog a few hours before your departure time Whilst you may be tempted to treat your fluffy friend to a hearty meal before setting off on your trip, it's best to feed your dog several hours in advance. Just like humans, some dogs suffer from motion sickness. 3. Get your dog used to spending time in their crate in advance The safest way to travel with your dog is to crate him or her. In order to get your dog used to travelling in a crate, it's best to crate your dog for short drives, well in advance of your departure date. One way to get your dog to associate being kept in a crate as a positive experience is to reward your dog by giving your dog a small treat, every time you put them in their crate. 4. If you plan on travelling by car, make sure to stop frequently Make sure you take regular stops so that your dog can stretch their legs and enjoy a little fresh air. Such stops are also the perfect time to offer your dog a little bit of water. Give your dog small amounts of water, frequently. 5. Don't forget to pack your canine friend's favourite toy Another way to ensure that your dog feels relaxed is to place their favourite toy in their crate. If your dog and their favourite squeaky toy are inseparable, your dog will feel more comfortable having a familiar item with them. Especially as they'll be exposed to brand new sights, sounds and smells, during your adventure together. Alternatively, if your dog has a special blanket, which is placed on their bed, you may want to consider packing it. 6. If you're travelling by plane, don't make a fuss when you're separated from your dog Whilst you may think that showering your dog in affection right before you're separated at the airport, will help your dog calm down, you may be surprised. The best way to ensure that your dog is comfortable is to give off a calm vibe, when you're separated. As being over emotional, may stir anxiety in your dog. Don't worry though, it's perfectly fine to give your dog a calm hug or pat goodbye. 7. Make sure to book dog-friendly accommodation in advance If you're planning a trip with your dog, your very task should be to research dog-friendly accommodation options. As the vast majority of hotels, resorts and camp sites do not cater to pets. Keep an eye out for options, which boast large outdoor areas, that your dog can run around. Conclusion So, if you're worried about travelling with your canine buddy for the first time, there's no need to panic. Simply follow the seven tips listed above and you'll be sure to enjoy the adventure of a lifetime. You may even decide to start travelling more frequently with your dog. As contrary to popular belief, travelling with a dog doesn't have to be a huge ordeal. Author Bio: June is the founder of TobysBone, where she shares her passion for writing and love for dogs. She wants to help you deal with your dog's behaviour issues, grooming and health needs, and proper training. Through her blog, you can find informative and reliable posts, tips and tricks, and a lot of interesting reads that will help you maintain a close bond with your furry companion.
The safest way to travel with your dog is to crate him or her. In order to get your dog used to travelling in a crate, it’s best to crate your dog for short drives, well in advance of your departure date. One way to get your dog to associate being kept in a crate as a positive experience is to reward your dog by giving your dog a small treat, every time you put them in their crate.


4. If you are travelling by car, make frequent stops

Whether you're planning a road trip with your canine friend or are interested in flying across the country with your dog, simply continue reading to discover 7 invaluable tips which will ensure that your trip runs as smoothly as possible. 1. Make sure that your dog gets plenty of exercises before you depart on your adventure together Whether you plan on travelling by car or by plane, it pays to take your dog for a walk right before you're due to leave. That way your dog will burn off their excess energy and will be far more likely to sleep for most of your journey. If you have a medium to large size dog, it's well worth taking your dog to a dog-friendly park or beach where you can let your dog off their leash for a game of fetch. As giving your dog the chance to sprint around, will expend more energy, than taking your dog for a leisurely walk. 2. Make sure you feed your dog a few hours before your departure time Whilst you may be tempted to treat your fluffy friend to a hearty meal before setting off on your trip, it's best to feed your dog several hours in advance. Just like humans, some dogs suffer from motion sickness. 3. Get your dog used to spending time in their crate in advance The safest way to travel with your dog is to crate him or her. In order to get your dog used to travelling in a crate, it's best to crate your dog for short drives, well in advance of your departure date. One way to get your dog to associate being kept in a crate as a positive experience is to reward your dog by giving your dog a small treat, every time you put them in their crate. 4. If you plan on travelling by car, make sure to stop frequently Make sure you take regular stops so that your dog can stretch their legs and enjoy a little fresh air. Such stops are also the perfect time to offer your dog a little bit of water. Give your dog small amounts of water, frequently. 5. Don't forget to pack your canine friend's favourite toy Another way to ensure that your dog feels relaxed is to place their favourite toy in their crate. If your dog and their favourite squeaky toy are inseparable, your dog will feel more comfortable having a familiar item with them. Especially as they'll be exposed to brand new sights, sounds and smells, during your adventure together. Alternatively, if your dog has a special blanket, which is placed on their bed, you may want to consider packing it. 6. If you're travelling by plane, don't make a fuss when you're separated from your dog Whilst you may think that showering your dog in affection right before you're separated at the airport, will help your dog calm down, you may be surprised. The best way to ensure that your dog is comfortable is to give off a calm vibe, when you're separated. As being over emotional, may stir anxiety in your dog. Don't worry though, it's perfectly fine to give your dog a calm hug or pat goodbye. 7. Make sure to book dog-friendly accommodation in advance If you're planning a trip with your dog, your very task should be to research dog-friendly accommodation options. As the vast majority of hotels, resorts and camp sites do not cater to pets. Keep an eye out for options, which boast large outdoor areas, that your dog can run around. Conclusion So, if you're worried about travelling with your canine buddy for the first time, there's no need to panic. Simply follow the seven tips listed above and you'll be sure to enjoy the adventure of a lifetime. You may even decide to start travelling more frequently with your dog. As contrary to popular belief, travelling with a dog doesn't have to be a huge ordeal. Author Bio: June is the founder of TobysBone, where she shares her passion for writing and love for dogs. She wants to help you deal with your dog's behaviour issues, grooming and health needs, and proper training. Through her blog, you can find informative and reliable posts, tips and tricks, and a lot of interesting reads that will help you maintain a close bond with your furry companion.
Make sure you take regular stops so that your dog can stretch their legs and enjoy a little fresh air. Such stops are also the perfect time to offer your dog a little bit of water. Give your dog small amounts of water, frequently.


5. Don’t forget to pack your canine’s favourite toy

Whether you're planning a road trip with your canine friend or are interested in flying across the country with your dog, simply continue reading to discover 7 invaluable tips which will ensure that your trip runs as smoothly as possible. 1. Make sure that your dog gets plenty of exercises before you depart on your adventure together Whether you plan on travelling by car or by plane, it pays to take your dog for a walk right before you're due to leave. That way your dog will burn off their excess energy and will be far more likely to sleep for most of your journey. If you have a medium to large size dog, it's well worth taking your dog to a dog-friendly park or beach where you can let your dog off their leash for a game of fetch. As giving your dog the chance to sprint around, will expend more energy, than taking your dog for a leisurely walk. 2. Make sure you feed your dog a few hours before your departure time Whilst you may be tempted to treat your fluffy friend to a hearty meal before setting off on your trip, it's best to feed your dog several hours in advance. Just like humans, some dogs suffer from motion sickness. 3. Get your dog used to spending time in their crate in advance The safest way to travel with your dog is to crate him or her. In order to get your dog used to travelling in a crate, it's best to crate your dog for short drives, well in advance of your departure date. One way to get your dog to associate being kept in a crate as a positive experience is to reward your dog by giving your dog a small treat, every time you put them in their crate. 4. If you plan on travelling by car, make sure to stop frequently Make sure you take regular stops so that your dog can stretch their legs and enjoy a little fresh air. Such stops are also the perfect time to offer your dog a little bit of water. Give your dog small amounts of water, frequently. 5. Don't forget to pack your canine friend's favourite toy Another way to ensure that your dog feels relaxed is to place their favourite toy in their crate. If your dog and their favourite squeaky toy are inseparable, your dog will feel more comfortable having a familiar item with them. Especially as they'll be exposed to brand new sights, sounds and smells, during your adventure together. Alternatively, if your dog has a special blanket, which is placed on their bed, you may want to consider packing it. 6. If you're travelling by plane, don't make a fuss when you're separated from your dog Whilst you may think that showering your dog in affection right before you're separated at the airport, will help your dog calm down, you may be surprised. The best way to ensure that your dog is comfortable is to give off a calm vibe, when you're separated. As being over emotional, may stir anxiety in your dog. Don't worry though, it's perfectly fine to give your dog a calm hug or pat goodbye. 7. Make sure to book dog-friendly accommodation in advance If you're planning a trip with your dog, your very task should be to research dog-friendly accommodation options. As the vast majority of hotels, resorts and camp sites do not cater to pets. Keep an eye out for options, which boast large outdoor areas, that your dog can run around. Conclusion So, if you're worried about travelling with your canine buddy for the first time, there's no need to panic. Simply follow the seven tips listed above and you'll be sure to enjoy the adventure of a lifetime. You may even decide to start travelling more frequently with your dog. As contrary to popular belief, travelling with a dog doesn't have to be a huge ordeal. Author Bio: June is the founder of TobysBone, where she shares her passion for writing and love for dogs. She wants to help you deal with your dog's behaviour issues, grooming and health needs, and proper training. Through her blog, you can find informative and reliable posts, tips and tricks, and a lot of interesting reads that will help you maintain a close bond with your furry companion.

Another way to ensure that your dog feels relaxed is to place their favourite toy in their crate. If your dog and their favourite squeaky toy are inseparable, your dog will feel more comfortable having a familiar item with them. Especially as they’ll be exposed to brand new sights, sounds and smells, during your adventure together. Alternatively, if your dog has a special blanket, which is placed on their bed, you may want to consider packing it.


6. If you’re travelling by plane, don’t make a fuss when you separate from your dog

Whilst you may think that showering your dog in affection right before you’re separated at the airport, will help your dog calm down, you may be surprised. The best way to ensure that your dog is comfortable is to give off a calm vibe, when you’re separated. As being over emotional, may stir anxiety in your dog. Don’t worry though, it’s perfectly fine to give your dog a calm hug or pat goodbye.


7. Book dog-friendly accommodation in advance

Whether you're planning a road trip with your canine friend or are interested in flying across the country with your dog, simply continue reading to discover 7 invaluable tips which will ensure that your trip runs as smoothly as possible. 1. Make sure that your dog gets plenty of exercises before you depart on your adventure together Whether you plan on travelling by car or by plane, it pays to take your dog for a walk right before you're due to leave. That way your dog will burn off their excess energy and will be far more likely to sleep for most of your journey. If you have a medium to large size dog, it's well worth taking your dog to a dog-friendly park or beach where you can let your dog off their leash for a game of fetch. As giving your dog the chance to sprint around, will expend more energy, than taking your dog for a leisurely walk. 2. Make sure you feed your dog a few hours before your departure time Whilst you may be tempted to treat your fluffy friend to a hearty meal before setting off on your trip, it's best to feed your dog several hours in advance. Just like humans, some dogs suffer from motion sickness. 3. Get your dog used to spending time in their crate in advance The safest way to travel with your dog is to crate him or her. In order to get your dog used to travelling in a crate, it's best to crate your dog for short drives, well in advance of your departure date. One way to get your dog to associate being kept in a crate as a positive experience is to reward your dog by giving your dog a small treat, every time you put them in their crate. 4. If you plan on travelling by car, make sure to stop frequently Make sure you take regular stops so that your dog can stretch their legs and enjoy a little fresh air. Such stops are also the perfect time to offer your dog a little bit of water. Give your dog small amounts of water, frequently. 5. Don't forget to pack your canine friend's favourite toy Another way to ensure that your dog feels relaxed is to place their favourite toy in their crate. If your dog and their favourite squeaky toy are inseparable, your dog will feel more comfortable having a familiar item with them. Especially as they'll be exposed to brand new sights, sounds and smells, during your adventure together. Alternatively, if your dog has a special blanket, which is placed on their bed, you may want to consider packing it. 6. If you're travelling by plane, don't make a fuss when you're separated from your dog Whilst you may think that showering your dog in affection right before you're separated at the airport, will help your dog calm down, you may be surprised. The best way to ensure that your dog is comfortable is to give off a calm vibe, when you're separated. As being over emotional, may stir anxiety in your dog. Don't worry though, it's perfectly fine to give your dog a calm hug or pat goodbye. 7. Make sure to book dog-friendly accommodation in advance If you're planning a trip with your dog, your very task should be to research dog-friendly accommodation options. As the vast majority of hotels, resorts and camp sites do not cater to pets. Keep an eye out for options, which boast large outdoor areas, that your dog can run around. Conclusion So, if you're worried about travelling with your canine buddy for the first time, there's no need to panic. Simply follow the seven tips listed above and you'll be sure to enjoy the adventure of a lifetime. You may even decide to start travelling more frequently with your dog. As contrary to popular belief, travelling with a dog doesn't have to be a huge ordeal. Author Bio: June is the founder of TobysBone, where she shares her passion for writing and love for dogs. She wants to help you deal with your dog's behaviour issues, grooming and health needs, and proper training. Through her blog, you can find informative and reliable posts, tips and tricks, and a lot of interesting reads that will help you maintain a close bond with your furry companion.

If you’re planning a trip with your dog, your very task should be to research dog-friendly accommodation options. As the vast majority of hotels, resorts and campsites do not cater to pets. Keep an eye out for options, which boast large outdoor areas, that your dog can run around.


So, if you’re worried about travelling with your canine buddy for the first time, there’s no need to panic. Simply follow the seven tips listed above and you’ll be sure to enjoy the adventure of a lifetime. You may even decide to start travelling more frequently with your dog.

As contrary to popular belief, travelling with a dog doesn’t have to be a huge ordeal.


Author Bio
June is the founder of TobysBone, where she shares her passion for writing and love for dogs. She wants to help you deal with your dog’s behaviour issues, grooming and health needs, and proper training. Through her blog, you can find informative and reliable posts, tips and tricks, and a lot of interesting reads that will help you maintain a close bond with your furry companion.