Homepage Articles The 7 Things To Know Before Taking A City Break With Your Dog

November 1, 2022

The 7 Things To Know Before Taking A City Break With Your Dog

The 7 Things To Know Before Taking A City Break With Your Dog

The 7 Things To Know Before Taking A City Break With Your Dog.

Vacations are a great way to relax and rewind. Taking a city break, away from all the stress from work, sounds great, doesn’t it?

Well, it may not sound that great if you have a dog and know you must leave it behind. Even worse is trying to find pet care that wouldn’t make your dog feel isolated.

Many dogs have separation anxiety, and not to forget how much you are going to miss your beloved when taking a city break.

That’s why there are so many ways in which you can prepare to take your dog along with you. That way, you are stress-free knowing that your dog is with you and away from your office.

Taking a dog on vacation means you have more things to consider than you would when it’s only you.

Here are the 7 things to know before taking a city break with your dog.

Remember that not every dog is the same, and not every owner thinks in the same way. What you might feel is a must to have may not be the same for another pet owner.

However, there are some basics that you may consider when taking a city break with your dog, and that’s what we are going to talk about in this post.


1. Consult Your Vet Before Planning A City Break

Health and safety are vital for both you and your dog. While you may be up to date with all the medical requirements and tests to be conducted, it may not be the same in your dog’s case.

Your vet is the expert in this subject matter, so you should consult and speak to him before taking your dog on vacation.

If your vet identified any issues in your dog that make it advisable not to take it with you, you have to consider other options.

You could hire a pet sitter or board your dog in a facility. Read here to find out your other options if you cannot take your dog on holiday with you.

Your vet will advise what’s best for your dog, and you should work accordingly if your pet’s health is your primary concern.

If your vet gives you the green light, you can take your dog with you. Depending on where you are off, even a healthy dog might require additional vaccines or a health certificate before you depart.


2. Book A Pet-Friendly Hotel

Pet-friendly accommodation should be your primary concern when taking a city break with your dog. It’s different from what you expect when traveling by yourself.

Check if the hotel you are about to book allows pets, especially dogs. Even if they are allowed, you should ensure that your dog is not used to nuisance barking, which could distract other guests in the hotel. 

You should also ensure not to leave your dog unattended on any trip, especially not alone at the hotel. Your dog could get bored and destroy things at the hotel.

Ensure to clean up any traces of your dog when checking out as a gesture of appreciation to the hotel for allowing you to keep it with you.


3. Look For A City With Open Space For Walks

A dog wouldn’t want to be stuck at a hotel while on vacation. It may be the opposite in your case, but if you take your dog with you, you must be prepared to go out a lot.

Make sure that the city you choose has a lot of open space to go for walks with your dog. Don’t forget to make use of no pull training collars when going for walks with your dog. It will prevent your dog from going missing, which will be an awful situation to face in a new city.

There are many major cities with many parks you can take your dog to. It means you and your dog enjoy fresh air in a new location.

You can also enjoy your naps in the hotel room after these walks, while your dog will also be too tired to distract you.


4. Pack All Pet Travel Essentials

When traveling with your dog, you need to pack all of its essentials and pack what you would require. 

You need to be prepared for everything with your dog, just as you would be prepared for yourself. It includes considering any medical emergencies as well. 

You should note the weather at your destination and take appropriate clothing. Some places are warm during the day and cool at night. In such instances, you need to take clothing suitable for both temperatures.

Below is a list of pet essentials to carry with you during a city break.


  • An ample supply of dog food
  • Food and water bowls
  • A leash or harness
  • Collar and ID tag
  • Pet bed and blankets
  • Old towels
  • Dog shampoo
  • Dog treats
  • Dog’s favorite toys
  • Dog waste bags
  • Dog’s medication
  • A brush
  • Dog grooming supplies


Depending on each dog and pet owner, there may be other things that you need to pack, such as dog clothing if you want your beloved to look good in photos!

However, these are entirely optional and up to you to decide. The items in the above list are mandatory to carry with you when taking a city break with your dog.


5. Make Sure Your Dog Is Comfortable In Its Carrier

If you’re traveling with your dog, you need to take a comfortable carrier. It is vital as long private, or public transport trips will take a toll on your dog.

Your dog needs to feel comfortable and be able to take a good nap in its carrier. If traveling by car or train, you can keep your dog on your lap or use a pet bed or soft-sided page.

However, traveling by airplane makes it different as each airline has specific rules about carriers that you must check in prior.

Some airlines don’t allow pets to travel in the cabin in soft-sided carriers. Instead, they must be transported in the cargo hold.

Airlines also have specific rules and regulations about the weight, dimensions, and materials allowed for pet carriers. So, check on all of these before taking your pet with you.



6. Make Sure Your Dog Has Its ID

While an ID is vital for your dog at all times, it becomes essential when your dog is traveling with you.

There is an increased chance of your dog missing in unknown territory rather than in your hometown.

A city break exposes your dog to a different environment, awakening its senses and making it feel excited. So, it’s bound to run off somewhere to explore, and you must track it down safely.

Make sure your dog has an ID containing essential details such as your name and contact number.


7. Remember Safety First

Always remember safety first when you’re on vacation with your dog. Make sure to get a dog seat belt that clips onto their collar or harness and slots into the vehicle’s seat belt slot.

Ensure to take all your dog’s medication and keep it up to date with all the required vaccines. Especially check on any additional vaccines needed depending on the destination you are traveling to.

Keep a pet first aid kit in an accessible access location so that you can reach it during an emergency while traveling. Here’s a guide on what to do if your pet gets sick or injured while traveling.



Tips When Taking A City Break With Your Dog

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when taking a city break with your dog.

  • Find pro-pup restaurants that offer dog treats.
  • Acclimatize your dog to get used to a bit of a change of scenery by walking in the new city as soon as you get there.
  • Make time for toilet breaks and play breaks.
  • Bring games and toys to keep your dog busy on the road.
  • Don’t leave your dog alien for too long in the new destination.


Reasons To Take Your Dog On Vacation

Taking your dog on your travels is a great idea rather than leaving it behind at a pet care facility. Here are the reasons to take your dog on holiday with you.


  • You will be stress-free, wondering how your dog is doing back home.
  • It reduces the cost of expensive kennels and pet boarding facilities.
  • If you have kids, it will help them settle in the new place.
  • You’ll be more active when your dog is with you.
  • You will be able to make memories that will last a lifetime.
  • Your dog will enjoy and have a great time with you.


Taking your dog on holiday is a great thing to do. Consider the above factors before taking a city break with your dog. Then you will be stress-free and able to enjoy a fantastic vacation with your dog to create memories to cherish.


Frequently Asked Questions
Should You Take Your Dog With You On Holiday?

Dogs are fantastic travel companions, and taking them with you on holiday will keep you stress-free and help you enjoy your holiday.


Do Dogs Get Stressed On Holiday?

A new place can make your dog feel overwhelmed and stressed. Taking it out for walks can help it get used to the new location.


Do Dogs Enjoy Going To New Places?

Many dogs enjoy exploring new places with a fresh smell and a lot of space to run freely.