Homepage Articles Submit a story

April 29, 2013

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Submit a story


Submit a Story

Thank you for your interest to write an article for Pet-Friendly Accommodation’s website. We would love to hear stories about your pets, whether it is your shared experiences of travelling with them, great pet-friendly accommodation you have found and would like to recommend, fantastic beaches or parks you have been to or any pet-related issue.



Your story will be published as an article on the website and shared among our internet readers. Once you submit your story we will contact you with a publishing date.

Depending on the content of your article it may take from a week to a month for your story to get published.

We will contact you if more details are needed. If you have questions or want to add more photos or want to adjust something, please contact us. Please allow time for reply.

(Note: If the body of your story contains links to a commercial website, it may incur an administration fee for publishing. Please submit your promotion article and we will get in touch with you regarding this.)

Please email completed stories to:

[email protected]



Cat Reading
photo credit: akk


photo credit: defekto