Homepage Articles Help Cats Enjoy Car Travel

October 18, 2022

Help Cats Enjoy Car Travel

Help Cats Enjoy Car Travel

There is nothing quite like travelling with your cat. While some people may think that it is not possible to travel with a cat, it can actually be a very rewarding experience for both you and your feline friend. 

Cats are very adaptable creatures and can easily travel in the car or on an airplane. Plus, they provide great companionship while on the road.


Travelling with Your Cat

Here are a few tips for travelling with your cat:


  • Vaccinations:


Make sure your cat is up to date on all of its vaccinations. This is important for both the safety of your cat and the safety of other animals that you may encounter while travelling.


  • Microchip:


Get your cat a microchip. This will help ensure that your cat can be returned to you if it gets lost while travelling.


  • Kitty kit:


Pack a travel kitty kit. This should include food, water, litter, toys, and anything else your cat may need while on the road.


  • Safe place:


Make sure you have a safe place for your cat to stay while you are travelling. This may be a friend’s house or a pet-friendly hotel.

Be prepared for anything. Cats can be unpredictable, so it is important to be prepared for anything that may happen while you are away from home.


Travelling with your cat can be a great experience for both of you. Just remember to take some time to plan ahead and be prepared for anything that may come up.

We’ll highlight the top 3 of the most important things below. 


Have a Good Cat Carrier

A carrier is important for cats who travel in cars, both for their safety and for the driver’s peace of mind. 

The best type of carrier is one that is roomy enough for the cat to stand up and turn around in, yet small enough so that it doesn’t block the driver’s view. A cardboard box with a door cut out is not ideal, as it offers the cat no protection in case of an accident.

When choosing a carrier, make sure that it is well-ventilated and has plenty of air holes. It should also be sturdy enough to withstand a few bumps along the way. The carrier should have a handle or strap so that it can be securely fastened in the car.

Once you have a carrier, get your cat used to it by placing it in the house where the cat can explore it and feel comfortable inside. You may want to put a soft towel or blanket inside for added comfort. 

When it’s time to hit the road, put the carrier in a spot where your cat can see out the window. This will help reduce motion sickness.


Cat Needs a Light Meal Before Travelling

Before you hit the road, it’s best that your cat is not hungry. To get your cat used to feeding inside the carrier, here are some tips to follow:

Line the carrier with an old towel or blanket. Put it in a safe, out-of-the-way place in your house a few days before you leave so your cat can get used to it. If your cat is still resistant to being in the carrier, try using pheromone diffusers or Feliway spray to help calm them.

When it’s time to feed your cat, put their food inside the carrier and close the door. Let them eat in peace and don’t try to take them out until they’re done. If your cat still won’t go near the carrier, try luring them in with a favorite treat or toy.

Make sure to have plenty of water available for your cat while you travel. A small water dish and a bottle of water is a good idea in case of spillage. If you’re travelling by car, take breaks every few hours so your cat can stretch their legs and use the litter box if needed.

Travelling with cats can be stressful, but with a little preparation, it can be a fun experience for both you and your feline friend.


Stopping Regularly Is Important

It’s important for your cat, but also for you. It will give everyone a chance to move around, use the restroom and have a little bit of food and water. 

A good rule of thumb is to stop at least once every two hours to make sure that everyone stays happy and healthy on the road. 


Cat on a Plane

If you’re a cat owner, you know that your feline friend likes to explore. So what happens when you take them on a plane

Here’s a guide to help make sure your cat has a comfortable, safe and enjoyable flight.

Before the Flight

The first step is to get your cat acclimated to their carrier. You’ll want to do this well in advance of your flight so they’re not stressed out when it’s time to travel. Put their carrier in a quiet, comfortable place in your home and let them get used to it. Feed them meals in the carrier and put some toys or treats inside so they associate it with positive things.

When it’s time to actually pack for the trip, put some of your cat’s favourite things in the carrier with them. A small blanket or toy will help them feel more comfortable and secure during the flight.


During the Flight

Once you’re on the plane, there are a few things you can do to keep your cat calm and comfortable. First, try to get a window seat so your cat can look outside and have something to distract them from the takeoff and landing. If possible, put the carrier under the seat in front of you so your cat has more space to move around.

If your cat starts to get anxious during the flight, talk to them in a calm, soothing voice. You can also offer them a treat or toy if they seem particularly stressed.


After the Flight

Once you’ve arrived at your destination, give your cat some time to adjust to their new surroundings. If they’re staying in a hotel room, put their carrier in a quiet place where they can feel safe and secure. Let them explore the room at their own pace and give them plenty of time to rest.


So Should You Bring Your Cat, at All? 

… Or leave your cat at home with a pet sitter? 

Well, there are several reasons why it’s all worth the effort: 


  1. Cats make great traveling companions because they’re independent and low-maintenance.
  2. Cats are small enough to travel easily, but not so small that they’re fragile.
  3. Cats have a calm demeanor, which can be helpful when traveling in stressful situations.
  4. Cats are easy to care for on the road, as they don’t need a lot of exercise or special food.
  5. Cats are quiet animals, so they won’t disturb other travelers or attract unwanted attention.
  6. Cats offer companionship without being too demanding, and they can provide comfort in unfamiliar surroundings.
  7. Cats are often affectionate and loving toward their owners, making them great travel companions.
  8. Cats are curious creatures, and they’ll enjoy exploring new places with you.
  9. Cats are low-maintenance pets, so you won’t have to worry about them while you’re travelling.
  10. Travelling with a cat can be a fun and rewarding experience for both you and your pet.


Just plan ahead and take a few extra steps to make the trip comfortable for your feline friend. With a little bit of preparation, you and your cat will be ready to hit the road in no time!