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May 24, 2024

Guide To Moving Pets For Your Australian Adventure

Guide to Moving Pets for Your Australian Adventure

Guide to Moving Pets for Your Australian Adventure.

Relocating across Australia with your furry or feathery companion can be an exciting adventure. However, every aspect of the move must be carefully planned to ensure a smooth and stress-free journey. Whether you’re moving from Queensland to sunny Western Australia or lush Tasmania, understanding the specific requirements for each state is crucial. Here’s a comprehensive checklist to guide you through the process:


Preparing Your Pet for the Move (Queensland and Other States)
  1. Microchipping and Vaccinations
  • Microchip
    Every pet relocating within Australia must have a compatible ISO microchip implanted by a licensed veterinarian. No matter where you’re moving, need to make sure that the microchip information is up-to-date in a national pet registry database.
  • Vaccination
    All pets must be current on their vaccinations, including rabies (with a valid vaccination certificate) and other essential vaccinations based on your pet’s age and species. Consult your veterinarian for specific requirements.


  1. Health Checks and Certificates

Pay a visit to your trusted vet and have your pets checked before the trip. Although it’s not always required, secure a vet-issued health certificate within 10 days of your pet’s travel date. This certificate verifies your pet’s good health and freedom from contagious diseases. Requirements may vary slightly between states, so check with the relevant authorities of your destination state.


  1. Internal Parasite Treatment

Most states require pets to be treated for internal parasites within a specific timeframe (usually 1-3 months) before entering.


  1. Familiarization and Training (Optional but Recommended)
  • Travel Crate/Carrier
    If travelling by air or car, it’s highly recommended that you gradually acclimate your pet to their travel crate or carrier. This will make the trip more comfortable for them, helping them relax and process the changes happening around them. positive experience by placing treats and familiar toys inside.
  • Training (if necessary)
    Consider basic obedience training for enhanced calmness during travel, especially if your pet shows anxiety in unfamiliar situations.


Documentation Essentials (Queensland and Other States)
  1. Microchip Information
    Have your pet’s microchip number readily available, along with the contact information for the registry database where the chip is registered. This way, if someone finds your pet and scans their chip, they can easily reach you.


  1. Vaccination Certificate

Make sure the certificate is valid for your travel dates. It should clearly detail the rabies vaccination (often required) and any other vaccinations mandated by your destination city/state. It’s also crucial to make time to double-check the specific requirements for your destination well in advance. Some cities/states may require additional vaccinations or blood tests.


  1. Health Certificate

Keep the original health certificate issued by your veterinarian within 10 days of travel. Don’t forget to make copies and keep them handy in case you are required to present them for verification.


  1. Import Permit (if applicable)

Some states, like Western Australia and Tasmania, require an import permit for pets entering from other states. Check with your destination state’s Department of Agriculture for specific permit requirements and application procedures. If your move requires this document, hiring professional pet movers can simplify this process. Professionals often handle permit applications on your behalf, so you can provide the documents you need without delay. Visit the website of removalists in your area to check if they offer such services.


  1. Proof of Ownership (if hiring professional movers)

If using professional pet relocation services, provide documentation proving your ownership of the pet (e.g., pet registration certificate, adoption papers).


Essential Supplies for Your Pet (During and After the Move)
  1. Travel Essentials
  • Comfortable Crate or Carrier
    Choose a crate or carrier with the proper size and ventilation for your pet’s comfort during travel. If you’re not travelling with them, consider putting their favourite blankets and toys in the crate or carrier.
  • Food and Water Bowls
    Pack collapsible bowls or similar items that you can easily use on the road or during flight layovers. Depending on where you’re moving, you might not have enough time or space to feed your pets with their usual containers, so having collapsible ones
  • Leash and Harness
    Maintain control of your pet during travel breaks or bathroom stops. Consider using a leash or harness to prevent your pets from roaming unfamiliar areas when you take breaks or when you arrive at your destination
  • Waste Bags
    Being responsible pet owners is essential, especially for long-distance moves. Make sure to pack enough biodegradable waste bags for the journey. This is crucial, especially if you’re passing through the outback as you will have very limited access to essential amenities.
  • Medications (if applicable)

If your pet requires medication, pack a labelled supply with clear instructions for administration.

  • Favorite Toys and Treats

Bring familiar items to provide comfort and help reduce travel anxiety. If the items don’t fit in the carrier, keeping them near your pets can provide.

  • Recent Photo

Take a photo of your pet before travelling and keep it until you reach your destination. It is not required, but can be helpful for identification purposes in case of unexpected situations.


  1. Post-Move Essentials
  • Food
    Bring a sufficient supply of your pet’s regular food to avoid dietary disruptions during the initial settling period. Whilst it might not be difficult to get the same products in your new home, you might not have enough time for a grocery run whilst in the middle of unpacking and organising your belongings in your new home.
  • Water
    Bottled water can be helpful initially, especially if your pet is sensitive to changes in water taste.
  • Familiar Bedding
    A familiar bed and blanket will comfort your pet in their new environment. Changes in their environment can be overwhelming for most pets. Having something they’re familiar with can help ease them in and lessen the discomfort caused by their new environment.
  • Grooming Supplies
    Maintain your pet’s hygiene routine with their usual brushes, shampoos, etc. No matter how busy, find time to perform these routines to provide your pets with a sense of familiarity.


Hiring Professional Pet Movers: Necessity or Convenience?

Hiring professional pet movers is not mandatory for relocating pets within Australia. However, it can be highly beneficial in the following situations:


  • Long-distance travel or complex logistics

Professional movers who specialise in moving pets interstate handle the entire process, including transportation arrangements, permit applications (if required), and ensuring your pet’s comfort and well-being throughout the journey.

  • Pets with special needs

If your pet has behavioural issues, requires temperature-controlled transport, or needs medication administration during travel, professional pet movers can provide specialised care and expertise.

  • Limited time or resources

Professional services take the burden off your shoulders, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your move.



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