December 20, 2022

Felines And Fleas: A Guide For Pet Owners
A flea infestation in your home can be a nuisance. It’s not only your felines or cats that would be affected but your entire family. You may notice red itchy spots on your legs, and scratching them can lead to scars. And if you have kids at home, it can be risky for their health.
Fleas live by hematophagy, the consumption of blood from a host. The fleas of cats called Ctenocephalides felis are very persistent and can transmit diseases. Dog and cat fleas differ, but both can attach themselves to hosts, including humans. It would be best to get an effective generic flea treatment to address the infestation in your household.
Thus, before diving into the treatment suggestions, you must understand a flea’s life cycle.
Flea Life Cycle
Fleas begin as an egg, and if you observe closely, you can see them as round, smooth white things that attach to carpets, your pet’s fur, and tall plants. The eggs can transfer everywhere whenever the host, like your cat, moves and scratches.
Some hacks to get rid of fleas can only kill the adult and not the eggs, so you should eliminate flea eggs because they are one of the root causes of the problem.
The eggs hatch larvae after one to ten days, depending on the environmental conditions of your home. Larvae move away from light sources because they’re phototaxic. They go deep into crevices and under the carpets. At this stage, they feed on flea dirt, the organic debris of adult fleas. You’ll see flea dirt on your cat’s skin as black dots when you part through their fur.
The larvae will spin into cocoons within five to twenty days and enter the pupa stage. The pupa stage can be completed in as little as three days before they turn into pesky adults.
The Risks Of Flea Infestation
Since fleas feed on blood, they can easily transmit diseases upon biting hosts. And when bitten, there are two primary complications: allergic reactions and secondary infections. Symptoms of these are nausea, difficulty breathing, and swelling of the lips and face. The bitten area may become infected and show redness and swelling, making it painful.
The diseases fleas may transmit through bites are typhus, cat scratch fever, flea-borne spotted fever, and plague. Children have a higher risk for infection since they spend more time near the floor and carpets and are prone to embracing and playing with cats.
How To Know If Your Home Is Infested
During warmer weather, fleas breed more and can thrive better. They detest the cold season, but their activity will continue. You know you have a flea infestation in your home if you notice the following:
- Multiple dark dots on your cats’ skin. It’s flea dirt that larvae feed on.
- Your kitty excessively scratches, licks, and bites specific areas of its body.
- Fleas hopping on your curtains, carpets, and furniture.
- Red bumps on your legs and feet is an indication of flea bites.
Flea Treatment Plan
Terminating a flea infestation can be crucial, and it would mean treating all possible areas of their breeding ground. Thus, below are four steps to get rid of fleas in your home:
- Relieve Your Cat Of Fleas
Cats may not like water, but it’s crucial to get rid of fleas on their body, so you should prepare your cat for a warm bath. If they scratch or attempt to hurt you, it would be best to bring them to a professional groomer. But if you can handle them, don’t use an anti-flea shampoo since it can be harsh and toxic on them. Instead, use mild dish soap. It will be enough to kill the fleas present on their fur.
While bathing your cat, use your fingers to gently rub its body and part through its fur to check if fleas are hiding, especially on its stomach and neck. Make sure to dry them well using a towel and a hair dryer.
- House And Yard Treatment
It’s essential to wash all your cats’ clothing, bedding, and carpets to eliminate fleas. You may also wash the curtains and any other fabric that your kitty may have come in contact with. After washing, you may use several methods to kill the fleas that could stay on surfaces, such as:
- Vinegar Solution – Use one part apple cider vinegar to one part water, and spray in various areas around the house.
- Lemon Spray – Slice three lemons thinly and steep in warm water for several hours. The oils from the lemon will be extracted, which is hated by fleas. Transfer the liquid to a spray bottle and spray it all over.
- Ground-Dried Rosemary – Fleas don’t like the smell of rosemary, and ground-dried leaves can kill these pesky pests when scattered all over.
For your yard, it’s best to get the help of professional exterminators. Don’t skip this since all your efforts in cleaning your indoors will be put to waste as the fleas can ride on your pets when you go out with them, and you’ll start the process of infestation again.
- Fleas And Humidity
Fleas love warm and moist areas, so taking it from them will be the best way to eradicate them. They need at least 50% humidity to survive. Use a dehumidifier and set the humidity to at least 45% inside your home for five days. You’ll see most of the fleas dropping dead.
- Vacuuming Daily
The last critical step is to vacuum daily. It can suck the eggs, larvae, pupa, and adult fleas remaining on surfaces. It will stop them from multiplying, ultimately ridding your home of the flea infestation.
Cats can be fun to have around, but when they have fleas, it can be an annoyance and a health risk. To enjoy their presence, it would be best to address the flea infestation following the mentioned treatment hacks in this article.