Homepage Articles Benefits of Veterinary Acupuncture for Pets

September 10, 2018

Balanced Dogs

Benefits of Veterinary Acupuncture for Pets

Benefits of Veterinary Acupuncture for Pets

Thought that acupuncture was just for humans? As it happens acupuncture is becoming increasingly popular for animals too.


What is Acupuncture?

It is an energy-based system of healing that addresses and activates self-healing powers of the body.

During an acupuncture treatment, fine needles are inserted at precisely localised acupuncture points and retained there for a certain amount of time, depending on the patient’s condition and indication.

Needling leads to the release of chemicals in the muscles, spinal cord, and brain which stimulates healing, improves circulation and reduces pain.

To avoid injury to the underlying tissue (nerves, blood vessels, joints or organs) this treatment should only be performed by trained and qualified veterinary acupuncturist.


What conditions can it treat?

Veterinary acupuncture and TCVM can have a helpful or supportive effect with the following conditions:

  • Musculoskeletal problems (post surgery/injury rehabilitation)
  • Geriatric problems (such as Arthritis, Dementia, Incontinence etc)
  • Allergies and immune system disorders
  • Hormonal disturbances (such as Diabetes mellitus, Cushing disease, thyroid disorders etc)
  • Neurological conditions
  • Psychological/emotional problems (such as pathological fear, anxiety etc)
  • Disorders of the respiratory tract, skin, gastrointestinal tract, urogenital tract, cardiovascular system, eyes and ears
  • Tumours

Also, acupuncture can reduce the dosage of conventional pharmaceutical drugs that may be necessary for the veterinary treatment of certain medical conditions.

The basic requirement for a successful treatment is a thorough medical history, examination and TCVM diagnosis. Application of standardized needling formulas without knowledge of their background carries the risk of exacerbating the disorder instead of improving it. However, if done by experienced veterinary acupuncturist and TCVM therapist, needling specific points leads to the release of chemicals in the muscles, spinal cord, and brain which stimulates healing, improves circulation and reduces pain.


Charlie’s Case


Charlie is an 11 year old staffy and my patient for 3 years. He was diagnosed with multiple joint arthritis when he was only 2 years old. When I started treating him it has progressed to severe grade, significantly affecting his mobility and quality of life. He was very sore, had a limp in his right front limb when climbing the stairs, he started losing muscle tissue in his hamstring and gluteal muscles.

After his first Traditional Chinese medicine/physical assessment and physical therapy/veterinary acupuncture treatment, limping on his front leg disappeared and he was very relaxed and sleepy the rest of the day.

I have continued treating him regularly with acupuncture and massage, along with his medication prescribed and a good diet, helping him manage pain and ensure maximum muscular preservation, proper circulation of blood and Qi and improved mobility.

Over years of having him in my care, I have also treated him with veterinary acupuncture for his Damp Heat condition, trigeminal neuralgia, post-surgery recovery and various skin issues. Both owner and I were very pleased with the results achieved in treating all those conditions.

Together we have gone through some tough times, especially in the winter time, but due to his regular massage and acupuncture treatments, Charlie is still an energetic and happy dog, having a few more years of ball chasing and beach walking ahead of him.


About the author

Balanced Dogs

Jelena from Balanced Dogs is a qualified veterinary acupuncturist and canine myofunctional therapist who treats dogs in the comfort of their own home throughout Sydney Metro.

She holds a Master of veterinary science degree obtained in Europe, a certificate for canine myofunctional therapy course from the National College of Traditional Medicine in Victoria, postgraduate study with College of Integrative Veterinary Therapies for Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, certificate in physical therapy course for veterinary professionals from Dogs in Motion and certificate for Dog Behaviourist from the Companion Animal Behavioural Institute.

Additionally, she has done more than 3 years of volunteer work at Jacob Leezak Dog Psychology Center, treating dogs with various mobility impairments, psychological & emotional issues. She does home treatments for All Natural Vet Care clinic and she volunteers at Monika’s doggie rescue helping dogs in need.

She has over 10 years of practice in holistic treatment of animals,