December 21, 2022

7 Tips For Travelling With Your Dog Over The Christmas Holidays
When planning a getaway with your four-legged favourite, you’ll need to do more research and be better prepared than if it were just you.
A holiday with your beloved pet can be as exciting as it is daunting. It’s essential to ensure you have researched and packed your stuff appropriately when taking them along.
From booking pet-friendly accommodation in advance, getting the proper documentation such as travel certificates and insect treatment records, to ensuring they have all their medical supplies ready – the key is to prepare appropriately!
Tips For Travelling With Your Pup
If you’re looking to include your pup in your travel plans this year, there are some things you should know first.
Keep reading these 7 tips for travelling with your dog over the Christmas holidays to learn how to prepare for safe, happy, and stress-free travels with your dog this Christmas.
1. Do Your Research
Before hitting the road with your bestie, it’s essential to research your destination. Is it pet-friendly? Do they have any restrictions on certain breeds or sizes of dogs?
Are there any outdoor activities that might be fun for you and your pup while on vacation? Answering these questions ahead of time can inform you what supplies you need to bring along.
2. Pack Smartly
When the time comes to pack, ensure you have all necessary items like food, water bowls, a leash, and collar (with ID tags), treats, toys, medications (if applicable), and bedding or crate if needed.
Consider bringing items like a pet first aid kit in case of an emergency or an extra towel for muddy paws after a long walk around town. Don’t forget about human items either—you’ll need those too!
3. Stay Calm & Collected
If your pet has never experienced long car rides before or changes in the environment too often, the journey itself may be a bit overwhelming. Keeping yourself calm is essential – be patient and remember that this is all new to them as well.
When you make a car travel with dogs, It’s also important not to leave them alone in the vehicle for too long since temperatures can rise quickly inside vehicles left unattended.
Also, remember that different areas may have other laws regarding having pets outside, so make sure you understand the local rules wherever you go.
4. Creating an Action Plan Ahead of Time
The key to successful holiday travel with your pet is planning. Before setting out, ensure you have the necessary supplies and documents ready.
It would help if you also researched any regulations regarding pets that may be in place at the destination or along the way, such as hotel policies or airline restrictions.
Additionally, try to get familiar with the route so that you know where emergency veterinary services are available in case of an emergency.
5. Booking Accommodation That Allows Pets
When booking accommodation, look for pet-friendly hotels or rental homes ahead of time.
Most accommodation require proof of vaccinations before allowing pets on their premises, so having these documents handy is essential when making reservations.
Also, remember that some accommodation may charge extra fees for bringing pets, so factor this into your budget before booking anywhere.
6. Preparing Your Pup For The Trip
Once you have all of the necessary paperwork taken care of and reservations booked, it’s time to start preparing your pup for the trip itself.
Make sure they are up-to-date on all vaccinations and parasite preventatives before departure and remember to pack their food and water bowls as well as plenty of toys and treats!
Additionally, consider purchasing a travel crate if flying or a car seat belt if driving; both will help keep them safe while travelling and provide additional security while exploring new places during stops along the way.
Lastly, don’t forget extra leashes! It never hurts to have more than one in case one breaks unexpectedly.
7. Stay Cool and Comfortable
If you plan on driving long distances over the holidays with your pup in tow, keeping them cool and comfortable throughout the journey is essential.
Make sure your car has plenty of ventilation and leave stops along the way for potty breaks and stretch breaks so your pet can get out and move around every few hours.
A long car ride can be stressful for animals, so it’s important to stay mindful of their needs throughout the trip.
Also, consider getting them groomed before leaving; trimming their fur will help keep them cool during those hot summer months!
Finally, avoid leaving them alone in a parked car, as temperatures can quickly rise to dangerous levels inside vehicles, even when outside temperatures are moderate or cool.
With just a bit of planning, travelling with your pup this Christmas can be stress-free and enjoyable!
Doing research beforehand and packing smartly will ensure that your trip is memorable for both you and your pup. Follow these tips and enjoy a safe holiday travel experience with your furry companion!